Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) Notice and Policy
Last Updated :02/04/2025
Notifications (Copyright Complaints)
We respect the intellectual property rights of others. If you believe that material on the Service infringes your copyright, you may submit a DMCA Notification to our Designated Copyright Agent using the contact information below.
⚠ Important: Under federal law, you may be liable for damages if you knowingly submit a false claim of copyright infringement. If you are unsure whether the material in question violates your copyright, we recommend consulting an attorney before filing a notification.
To file a valid DMCA Notification, include the following:
Send DMCA Notifications to:
Mailing Address: 828 E Little Creek Rd
Norfolk, Virginia 23518
Counter Notifications (Copyright Appeals)
If you believe that your material was mistakenly removed due to a false or misidentified copyright claim, you may submit a Counter Notification to our Designated Copyright Agent.
⚠ Important: Filing a false Counter Notification may subject you to legal liability, including damages and attorney’s fees.
To submit a valid Counter Notification, include:
Send Counter Notifications to:
Mailing Address: 828 E Little Creek Rd
Norfolk, Virginia 23518
If your Counter Notification is valid, we will restore the removed content, unless the original complainant files a lawsuit to prevent its reinstatement.